Early this morning, I was cleaning off a pewter candle snuffer (made by Pewter Crafter of Cape Cod,) and I thought; "Now here's an oddity to share with my friends." How many people send out a text message or instant message saying, "I was just clearing wax off my candle snuffer." I double checked the web page for the company, and they are still in existence. My snuffer was depicted alongside a chamber stick, an item not to be confused with a device normally found in a bedside table.
This chore followed a discussion I had last night with my friend Loralee who is currently living in New Hampshire. Lee is from Massachusetts, still owns property in Massachusetts, but she recently shifted states, taking her chocolate kitchen with her. While practicing another career, she has been establishing a chocolate business called DessertWorks, and she contains to focus her spare attention on being a chocolatier. She showed me her new license plate which echoes the motto of her company, "Very Good Chocolate."
Lee and I often have discussions about fonts and fountain pens and watermarked paper…. when she’s not showing me her new stilettos.

When she was forming her chocolate company, I remember us going over fonts she might use, and the different papered boxed to be designed and ordered. Lee spent a lot of time thinking about these exacting concerns, and I loved her attention to such detail. She settled on a script called Zapfino.
Last night we were talking about copperplate calling cards. I had cards made when I was 17 in an old fashioned script; my name preceded by "Miss." Lee said the cards she had made only contain her name, leaving her the opportunity to add any other pertinent information on herself dependent on what is needed: address, telephone numbers or email contacts, and that seems the best way to go, given the changing nature of technologies and systems where we bounce between servers and locales, and by server I’m not talking porringer dish.

I realize I am the three blog woman who fusses over minute variations in html true color hues. I am also the woman who sends notes to friends on watermarked paper, using permanent ink, sealed with wax…or G.I. Joe stickers.

"I'll snuff something out for ya."
I keep getting more comments on this license plate. I should have had a vanity plate years ago! (I've always had a thing for high heels)
Lee: Of course you are. Of course you do.
The shoes are awesome. Wow.
Isn't "pewter" a bizarre word? Who thought of that?
Reya: Just for you....pewter is rather interesting in that it's a fusible alloy, also it's ties to Medevial imagery. The word "pewter" probably evolved from the word "spelter," which in French is "peautre."
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